Listening to the BBC and watching a drama helped this student with the DSE. She likes the vampires in the Twilight books. She says there is more detail in text.
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Studying in Dublin was like a three-month intensive English lesson for this Business major. She also taught English as a volunteer in Cambodia. She read the news and The Saga of Darren Shan.
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Watching the Twilight movie triggered this Engineering major’s interest in reading. She surprised herself by completing the book and noticed it also improved her English. She read a number of books for high school English.
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During the English Week at her secondary school, this Occupational Therapy major had to approach teachers and communicate in the language to get stickers. She read Roald Dahl at school and now likes Twilight and Fifty Shades of Grey.
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After moving to Hong Kong, this Biology major had difficulty learning English in primary school. She feels English is essential in life and it is important to start learning at an early stage. The plot in Twilight attracted her.
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A compulsory English language course in university enabled this Global China Studies major to make friends from different majors and backgrounds. She also enjoyed learning about vampires by reading some classic novels. Her favourite thing about learning English is watching movies and talk shows.
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The difficulty in speaking English in a summer camp motivated this Biological Science major to learn the language. She read To Kill a Mockingbird and The Catcher in the Rye for her high school literature class. Her favourite story is the Twilight series.
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An extra-curricular course led by university exchange students taught this Business major vocabulary and communication skills. She likes the Twilight books more than the movies.
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Slang in movies and TV series expanded this Science major’s vocabulary. She likes stories about vampires. Clipping news articles in secondary school helped build her vocabulary.
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A study tour to Los Angeles let this Urban Studies major learn English through culture, drama and sport. Influenced by her friends, she read Twilight and liked its lively descriptions.
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Memorising vocabulary has been difficult for this Electrical Engineering major. She has not read much but would buy some books based on movies she’s seen.
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Doing English Builder online in secondary school was irritating, whereas university language course was more practical for this Journalism major. She read Shakespeare’s works, The Lord of the Rings and Greek mythology Percy Jackson. Now she reads magazines and The New York Times online.