A student who plans to teach Chinese says English will be important to her in the future. She also read Harry Potter, TIME magazine and newspapers.
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A student says learning a language allows you to absorb a new culture. Reading materials such as Eat, Pray, Love and TIME magazine help improve her vocabulary.
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Crazy English teaches students to communicate. Preparing for IELTS involves careful reading. She read TIME magazine.
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A postgraduate student developed her English language skills while working as a teacher in Beijing. She read magazines like TIME to prepare for IELTS.
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A student says an overseas exchange programme provided a better learning environment. The South China Morning Post and TIME magazine feed his interest in politics.
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Debating skills helped an English Teaching major with the spoken component of the DSE. She prefers news media such as the South China Morning Post and TIME magazine to fiction. She feels writing is more important than reading.
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This student had to listen carefully in class when he first moved to Canada in Form Five. He read novels and Shakespeare in high school. He enjoyed reading about Economics in university because he was interested in the subject. He also reads TIME and The Economist.
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A teacher helped this student improve his presentation skills after school. He has been using the dictionary or the Internet to learn new words that he has come across when reading TIME magazine or course material.
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Being an English ambassador gave this student more access to his school’s NET who made him more aware of the language. He says NETs focus on communication and subject teachers more on areas such as grammar. He has read TIME and Reader’s Digest.
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An English Teaching major took part in a Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet in Primary 5. He read TIME magazine but found it too complicated.
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Learning English might have been more interesting for this student if the teacher showed movies and played games. She has read TIME and used the Oxford dictionary and Wikipedia. She read Chinese books on a Kindle.
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A foreign teacher was fun but this student finds the games and drama did not help. She valued extra-curricular tutorials that focused on exam skills. She has read TIME magazine.
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An English language camp on Lamma Island during secondary school allowed this student to make friends with visitors from Mexico and the Mainland. He has read TIME magazine and Narnia.
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English language enhancement courses helped this graduate who is now working as a chemistry researcher. He says the classes helped him with speaking. He uses English in his work and has read the South China Morning Post, TIME, and Wikipedia.
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Preparing for IELTS exposed this Malaysian Civil Engineering major to academic writing and argumentative essays. He has read many news magazines and the dictionary. He says he uses English more in Hong Kong but the standard is not as high as Malaysia.
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Performing a drama and communicating with other students during a trip to Singapore in Form 6 gave this student a unique opportunity. She read TIME and The Economist, and Harry Potter.
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Conversations skills are important for this accountant who enrolled in tutorial classes that focus on speaking. She was motivated to study after working in a multinational company. She read TIME magazine.
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A summer internship for this Engineering major involved working with a colleague who spoke only English. Reading TIME is a good learning experience.
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A summer course in New Zealand included learning how the host family and others used English to communicate. This Physiotherapy major found the locals friendly and chatty. She read Harry Potter after watching the movie.
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Reading TIME magazine is a way for this Business major to improve his English. He thinks reading books is important as it is difficult to find structured information on the Internet.
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Meeting lots of people in Hong Kong and speaking to them in English improved this Engineering major’s language skills. He reads finance news on the BBC website. He reads a bible given to him by a church and started Les Miserable after watching the movie.
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A university exchange in New York allowed this Media and Communication major to meet one of her favourite authors, Jodi Picoult. She has read Wild by Cheryl Strayed. She likes TV dramas, movies, rap music and popular magazines.
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Starting from kindergarten, this Creative Media major felt her parents, especially her mum, forced her to learn English. She attended a special English-speaking kindergarten and was forced to watch CNN and the BBC. Reading is difficult because she has to check words in the dictionary.
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Newly released English language TV shows were a challenge for this Global China Studies major because they didn’t have subtitles. He reads more now that he is in university. TIME, The Economist, and Wikipedia are good study resources.
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An internship in the United States raised this Business major’s confidence in speaking English. She reads TIME, Vogue and National Geographic but also browses websites for articles on human behaviour.
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A pre-university course in London enabled this Global China Studies major to interact with classmates from different countries. She likes Twilight because the plot is romantic and uses the dictionary and Wikipedia for learning.
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Memorising ‘tons’ of vocabulary provided by tutors during secondary school was important for this student’s English writing and reading. He enjoys news articles from The Economist and TIME.
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Teaching English to primary student students was unpleasant for this Physics major because it was hard to express himself. The readings in a compulsory university English course contain a lot of unfamiliar vocabulary.
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After a bad experience in kindergarten, this Accounting major’s mum placed her in a neighbourhood learning group led by an American tutor. She learnt through field trips and everyday activities. She read a lot of Mitch Albom books and also magazines such as TIME and Vogue.
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English tutorial classes taught this Chinese Medicine major communications skills. She valued the lessons because she mostly used Cantonese. She has read TIME magazine and thinks the articles are informative.
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Attending a summer school in the UK during secondary school immersed this Nursing major in an English speaking environment. She read TIME magazine while preparing for the DSE because it broadened her knowledge of international issues.
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A teacher made secondary school English classes fun with games. This Nursing major read textbooks to prepare for the DSE and also Harry Potter, TIME, user guides, and reference books from library
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It took this student courage to converse with native speakers but it is a rewarding experience because she learned about other cultures. She likes fashion magazines because the vocabulary is easier to comprehend.
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Transitioning from the Mainland to Hong Kong was made easier for this Accounting major thanks to a NET. The teacher made her develop a passion for learning the language. She has read some news magazines.
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Attending an English pronunciation course made this Chemistry major realise he could do a lot to learn English. He learns a lot of new things by reading TIME.
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Acting in a drama show taught this Chinese major how to express herself better and be confident in front of the audience. She reads magazines, like TIME, to learn more about international issues and movie stars.
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Being part of the Umbrella Revolution motivated this BBA major to read more from news media like the BBC and TIME. He feels he needs someone to teach him how to read efficiently.
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A tutor let this Humanities major experience English in her daily life. Another English teacher made use of music, drama and movies in class. She read TIME to improve her English.