This student explains that learning tenses in English is different to Cantonese and Putonghua. She also believes watching a film adaptation helped her to appreciate A Tale of Two Cities.
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This student read the Twilight series and then watched the movies to help improve her English.
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Preparing for the DSE English exam is a part of life. Students can be encouraged to read by watching movies first, just like Gone Girl. The novel Annie John is different to other books.
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Shakespeare exposes students to exaggeration and similes. Good movies make books interesting.
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An accessible NET provides an opportunity for lunch-time chats. The Harry Potter movie created an interest in comics. Playing the violin involves reading English language textbooks.
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Watching Titanic in primary school on the Mainland created an interest in the lyrics of the song, “My Heart Will Go On.” The student also watched Harry Potter and Twilight. She briefly looked at the Harry Potter book.
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Watching movies, listening to music, and reading books are recommended by this student who also read the Life of Pi.
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A student is interested in reading Harry Potter after seeing the movie. She also watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and read the book.
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A Mainland student uses mostly English in Hong Kong. She recalls a three week study trip to England during high school. She bought the book High School Musical after watching the movie.
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Being in a musical helped this student in the speaking component of the DSE exam. A NET provided a guided reading experience with Matilda which included showing the film.
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Interviewing foreigners gave this student a chance to practise her English. She read Howl’s Moving Castle after watching the movie. She bought the book because she likes the author.
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University tutors have motivated this student to become a more active reader and speaker. He read Harry Potter before watching the movie and noticed differences from the text. He likes science fiction but is now reading more academic essays.
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Watching movies motivates this student to read the book version. That’s why she read The Hunger Games and The Lord of the Rings.
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A teacher kept in touch with this student during the summer holidays by chatting with him and his classmates on the phone. He enjoyed reading The Lord of the Rings and watching the film.
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Listening to RTHK’s English news about issues such as Occupy Central and making class presentations helped boost this student’s vocabulary. He likes reading books with movie tie-ins such as The Hunger Games. He also reads material related to marketing.
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Primary school drama classes allowed this student to practise her English skills. She read Harry Potter after a friend recommended it to her. Later she watched the movie.
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An exchange trip to Australia pushed this student to use English more often while meeting people. He learnt some English while reading Twilight. He also watched the movie.
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A social worker recalls how a university professor inspired her to use English. She seldom reads English books but started the Twilight series after watching the movie.
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Copying a grammar book by hand taught this Social Work major important grammar items and sentence structure. Her English teacher motivated her to read English books by showing excerpts from movies.
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An study exchange programme in the US exposed this teacher to an English speaking environment. She made many friends there and needed to use English daily.
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Communicating with volunteers who visited his secondary school increased this Accountant’s use of English. She read a bit of Harry Potter after watching the entire film series.
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Learning English from interactive activities such as playing card games with a NET in a tutorial class contributed to a great experience for this Nurse. He was introduced to a good English book because he needed to fulfill the public examination requirement in Hong Kong.
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A Sustainability for Education major remembers role-playing exercises about environmental protection during secondary school English. She watched the movie Millions and then bought the book. E-books are good because you can preview before buying.
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An English Teaching major found writing down subtitles improved her understanding. She believes studying should be enjoyable. She has read Holes and watched the movie.
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An English speaking day in secondary school allowed this student a chance to chat with senior and teachers. She enjoyed reading Harry Potter more after seeing the movie.
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A tour where English was the lingua franca helped this student improve her speaking and writing skills. She has used English for academic purposes. She has read Once and Harry Potter. Watching the movies also helped.
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An Australian NET encouraged this Mainland student to speak more during secondary school. She read The Hunger Games after watching the movie. She says students should be proactive and not expect help.
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Songs and lyrics help this student build her vocabulary. She will read a book if the movie version is interesting. DSE students should immerse themselves in English activities.
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Watching make-up videos on YouTube is an interesting way for this student to learn English. She has read National Geographic magazine and will buy a book if the movie version is interesting.
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A homestay experience in Australia that involved attending (secondary) school there helped this student improve her fluency. She read Narnia during secondary school and also watched the movie version.
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A lot of exercises, including speech practice helped this student overcome her fears and pass the DSE. She bought the book Warm Bodies after seeing the film version. She prefers to use a printed dictionary.
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English language opportunities in university are not the same as drama in school. She says she might read more in English if she sees a movie and wants to find out more in the book version.
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Watching a movie provided an English learning opportunity for this student. She read Matilda and watched the movie version. She does not use English much at university but expects to in the future.
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A trip to England exposed this student to different speaking tones. She also found some people spoke too fast. She read English newspapers in secondary school. She prefers English language movies to books, but is interested in song lyrics.
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A secondary school scheme included a trip to England where this student treasured visiting a local family. Although she read the Life of Pi, she thinks the movie was more impressive.
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Tutors provided reading, writing and speaking support for this student and her classmates during English Week activities in secondary school. She read Harry Potter after watching the movie.
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Interviewing tourists during a field trip to Tsim Sha Tsui in secondary school allowed this Maths Education major a chance to use the English he learnt in a classroom. He read Harry Potter because he loved the film.
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Watching the Twilight movie triggered this Engineering major’s interest in reading. She surprised herself by completing the book and noticed it also improved her English. She read a number of books for high school English.