University tutors have motivated this student to become a more active reader and speaker. He read Harry Potter before watching the movie and noticed differences from the text. He likes science fiction but is now reading more academic essays.
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A year of immersion in England exposed this English teacher to different accents and varieties of the language. She advises her students to consume English media like watching movies and TV, listening to radio, and installing language learning mobile apps.
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A drama and musical with dancing provided this student with an English learning experience in secondary school. She likes science fiction and ET is her favourite book because it has a touching story about a family.
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A visual arts major prefers to independently learn English by listening to music instead of what he describes as boring teaching. He likes reading novels and sci-fi. His favourite book is Harry Potter.
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English was the lingua franca for this Engineering major during a study tour to Singapore that focused on the environment. Reading science fiction stimulates his imagination. He read Harry Potter and Percy Jackson.
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University English classes that include discussions and games improve this Engineering major’s referencing, speaking, debating, and writing skills. She has developed an interest in reading novels since high school and practised English with her Australian neighbour.
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Practice is the best teacher according to this Biomedical Engineering major. Presentations and talking to foreign classmates improves his fluency. He likes science fiction and wants to read novels by Isaac Asimov in the future.
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Watching English news, reading novels, and talking with native speakers was a good way for this Nursing major to prepare for the DSE. Education reform was part of their debate from time to time. He likes reading science fiction novels.
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It’s more comfortable using English with foreigners than locals because there is too much focus on accuracy in Hong Kong. This Electronic Engineering majors exchanged stories with other tourists in Berlin. She likes comics and science fiction novels.
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A Book Fair vendor says he likes sci-fi and will read non-stop until he finishes a book. He says sci-fi is less about learning and more about excitement. He has read Star Trek and Harry Potter.
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DSE revision helped this student’s spoken English. He read for the SBA part of the DSE but forgets the name of the book. He also likes science fiction.
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Attending the book fair is a regular event for this Design major. She browses the sections with books about her major and science fiction.
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An exchange programme to Australia improved this Nursing major’s English. She enjoyed science fiction titles during a designated reading period in secondary school. Her favourite story is The Stolen Child.
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A one-month exchange programme in the US during Grade 11 immersed this Computer Science major in an English speaking environment with students from around the world. He thinks reading science fiction is good for one’s imagination.
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Taking a low intensity bridging course before entering college helped this Computer Science major because it was very interactive. She read classic novels during school but prefers sci-fi.
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Speaking English with teachers and friends in class was how this Japanese major learnt. She started reading science fiction novels in secondary school.
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Interactive tutorials with games helped this Civil Engineering major develop a passion for learning English. He seldom reads and prefers science fiction. He read Star Wars because of the movie.
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A NET in secondary school showed movies with subtitles that helped this Dentistry major improve his pronunciation. He chose science fiction books for the junior form reading session.
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Writing a diary, listening to stories told by her class teacher and reading the newspaper were the highlights of Secondary 3 English for this Biochemistry major. She borrowed science fiction books from the library to improve her English.
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High school English literature class is a favourite of this Economics major. He enjoyed the books assigned by the teacher but prefers to read science fiction, especially movie adaptations.
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Teachers talked about English culture and their own language learning experiences during the tutorial course that this Accounting major attended. Her first English novel was of the science fiction genre which she read in secondary school.