Reading a phone manual allows a student to increase his vocabulary. He checks new words using Google. He learnt English effectively during secondary school.
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Producing drama in secondary school triggered this Engineering major to research into the area. Reading the South China Morning Post informed him about the world and grammar. Playing online games with foreigners has taught him slang.
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Attending an academic conference in South Africa gave this Radiography major an opportunity to use English. He has to read a lot of manuals for his field.
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A teacher made secondary school English classes fun with games. This Nursing major read textbooks to prepare for the DSE and also Harry Potter, TIME, user guides, and reference books from library
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Listening to music by Westlife motivated this student to find out the meaning of the lyrics. He reads manuals on the Internet to learn about skills for online games.
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A primary school teacher helped this Math Education major after-school and taught what he really had to learn. He reads software user manuals.