Choral speaking sparked this student’s interest in literature. Roald Dahl and children’s book are easier to understand because of the simpler language and illustrations.
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Learning English might have been more interesting for this student if the teacher showed movies and played games. She has read TIME and used the Oxford dictionary and Wikipedia. She read Chinese books on a Kindle.
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A postgraduate English Teaching major really enjoyed English literature while studying for his public exams in the UK. He likes Virginia Woolf’s Mrs Dalloway. He also likes material by Charlotte Bronte and Jane Eyre. He has started reading books on a Kindle.
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Being a frequent visitor to the Book Fair, this Nurse feels there is a better variety of English titles than in shops. She bought the Horrible Science series by Nick Arnold. She searches online for hot books.
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Meeting lots of people in Hong Kong and speaking to them in English improved this Engineering major’s language skills. He reads finance news on the BBC website. He reads a bible given to him by a church and started Les Miserable after watching the movie.
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Chatting with native speakers enabled this student to improve his speaking skills. Grammar books were useful for getting good exam results. He read Reader’s Digest and used a Kindle. He enjoys watching the comedian Michael Mclntyre.
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Tutors who treated students like friends made English more interesting by using games and movies. Eat, Pray, Love was the first English novel this Education major read. She watched the movie instead after chapter one because it was too difficult. She uses a Kindle to read academic papers.
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This Visual Arts major thinks her high school spent too much time on grammar and vocabulary exercises. She doesn’t read English books because of her lack of vocabulary. She uses a Kindle to read learning materials.
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Books associated with his major made this Philosophy student appreciate the function of grammar and words. He reads novels on Kindle because it is easier to check the dictionary. He likes Jorge Luis Borges.
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Learning AP English gave this student a reason to love the language again. She read Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince in six hours because she couldn’t put it down. Nowadays, she reads from a Kindle.