A summer internship for this Engineering major involved working with a colleague who spoke only English. Reading TIME is a good learning experience.
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An internship in Poland provided this Logistics Engineering major with the opportunity to use English in her daily life and improve her fluency. She read novels by Milan Kundera and Franz Kafka.
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While working as an environmental protection intern in Australia, this Primary Education major used English to communicate with colleagues. She likes to read about spirituality.
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An internship in the United States raised this Business major’s confidence in speaking English. She reads TIME, Vogue and National Geographic but also browses websites for articles on human behaviour.
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Being an intern in Canada meant this Social Work major used only English in the workplace which was a shock considering her course in Hong Kong was in Chinese.
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A summer internship in a law firm in the US immersed this student in an all English environment. He also used English during a bike trip after the internship. He read Tuesdays with Morrie for her HKCEE studies.
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English was used by this Political Science major during an internship in the US. He took part in a weekly reading project in primary school. He reads short stories and books with pictures.
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An internship in the US gave this Accounting major the chance to speak English all the time. She likes The Fault in Our Stars by John Green.
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Making cold calls in her internship enhanced this Global China Studies major’s confidence and fluency. She reads material on Wikipedia, ProQuest and Google Scholar to prepare papers.
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An internship let this Social Science major chat with other people in English. She reads academic articles with the dictionary.
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An internship in the US Disney World was an opportunity for this Psychology major to practise English. The psychology textbooks and readings have a lot of difficult terms.
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Watching Friends together made this Human Resources major and other students think and talk in English. In an exchange to Canada, she needed to read the local newspapers for an assignment.
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An internship in Cambodia gave this Industrial Engineering major the opportunity to explore other cultures and discuss hobbies with foreign colleagues. This motivated her to seek similar opportunities in the future.
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An internship in the US immersed this Business major in another culture where he had to use English. He used a dictionary to help him read Harry Potter when he was in primary school.
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An extra-curricular tutorial class did not live up to this Management major’s expectations. She read Eat, Pray, Love and Why I Left Goldman Sachs during an internship in Singapore.
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An internship in Japan meant this Science major had to communicate with others through English. He tried to read Harry Potter and Sherlock Holmes. He prefers to learn the language through watching TV dramas with subtitles.
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An internship in London gave this Business major the opportunity to communicate in English. He learnt vocabulary and sentence structures from Great Expectations.
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An internship allowed this Business major to put her English skills into practice through communicating with foreign co-workers. She read Pride and Prejudice and The Little Prince in English after finishing them in Chinese.
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Being an intern for the Australian Chamber of Commerce in China provided this Translation major with a practical environment to learn the language. She usually reads English books that have pictures inside since she likes drawing.