Although she attended tutorials to prepare for public exams, this student is not sure if it really helped. She likes the fantasy aspect of the Percy Jackson stories.
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Starting at an international school in Form 5 meant this Fashion Design major used English in all classes. She had to read books like Balzac and the Little Chinese Seamstress and The Handmaid’s Tale during secondary school and found the content to be too explicit for her age.
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The Hunger Games and Harry Potter are good books but they are too thick to read in English for this Graphic Designer. She attended the Book Fair with her friend and was looking mainly for design books.
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This Law student keeps an open mind when book shopping. She looks for books by familiar authors. She gets the gist of a story in Chinese by scanning the page but has to use the dictionary for English publications.
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English created a familiar bond between this Psychology major and her family’s domestic helper. She has read The Mortal Instruments and All the Light We Cannot See. She also learns English from YouTubers.
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Winning a primary school English writing competition ignited this Medical student’s love for reading and writing. She posts her own fan fiction online and hopes to write a novel. Those who wish to pursue writing should read widely.
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A class drama competition provided this Physiotherapy major with an English-speaking environment. She felt satisfied after reading a romantic fantasy.
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Reading both the Chinese and English versions of a book simultaneously taught this Psychology major grammar and vocabulary. He prefers the Harry Potter books to the movies because of the descriptive writing.
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Having a group presentation in university deepened this Engineering major’s understanding of a research topic. Analysing the book Game of Thrones was a special reading experience.
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Watching scientific documentaries and movies helped this Science major build a good foundation in English. He used to bring novels to school and read them during breaks. He likes fantasy novels such as Eragon.
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A university exchange to the UK gave this Hotel Management major greater exposure to English. She read some stories in a course called Magic, Myth and Supernatural.