A student remembers how his teacher and mother used videos to help him learn English. He believes that immersion in an English speaking country is the best way to learn.
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A student enjoyed the TV dramas and movies shown by NETs including Sherlock. She also read the first three Harry Potter books after watching the movie. She finds the smartphone dictionary helpful.
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A student says an overseas exchange programme provided a better learning environment. The South China Morning Post and TIME magazine feed his interest in politics.
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A Chinese teaching major learnt English through drama during NET-led classes in secondary school. She read Harry Potter and is comfortable reading E-books, and using other online sources such as dictionaries and search engines for vocabulary building.
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A performing arts competition helped this student in the speaking part of the DSE exam. She also took part in the daily reading scheme during secondary school. She prefers printed books but also uses an e-dictionary.
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Newspapers provide a learning opportunity for this student. As a Business major, she finds some of the readings difficult. She uses a smartphone or the Internet to check new vocabulary.
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Secondary school English classes gave this Internet and Multimedia major the opportunity for group discussions. He reads articles about technology on the Internet.
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Charlie and the Chocolate Factory was the first book that this student finished. She also read Harry Potter. She likes printed books but uses an e-dictionary. Students studying DSE should search for more information using the Internet.
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Watching movies like the Day After Tomorrow helped this General Studies major’s vocabulary. He also uses English reference books for assignments.
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A foreign teacher was fun but this student finds the games and drama did not help. She valued extra-curricular tutorials that focused on exam skills. She has read TIME magazine.
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Travelling to the US gave this student the opportunity to use English. She found some course material to be lively. She uses a dictionary when she discovers new words.
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During kindergarten, this student’s parents enrolled her in classes with a NET who played games and taught vocabulary. She joined a drama club in secondary school. She bought the Twilight series to improve her English.
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A secondary school activity let this Legal Studies major communicate with younger students. He likes reading about Football and will use a printed dictionary at home and his phone when he’s outside. Students should read more newspapers.
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A passionate after-school tutor showed this student learning English can involve listening to the radio and watching movies. She reads journal articles and uses an e-dictionary.
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Extra-curricular classes with games and pictures interested this Chinese Language Teaching major in learning vocabulary. She has travelled to Singapore, Australia, and New Zealand. She is trying to read Harry Potter and likes printed books.
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Learning English became more difficult as this cross-border student got older. She uses an e-dictionary to check new vocabulary. She prefers printed books.
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An eager secondary school English teacher forced this student to read the South China Morning Post. He also watched the news on TVB Pearl. These days he does not read much in English and will use a dictionary or Google Translate to understand new vocabulary.
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As a committee member of the English Society in secondary school, this student held activities and games for primary children. She read Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and used to do group reading with friends.
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Watching a movie, reading about it, and writing a review exposed new skills to this Maths Teaching major. She doesn’t like reading but will use an e-dictionary. She feels it is better to use Cantonese to teach maths in primary school.
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Learning English from TV dramas is more interesting than reading for this student because the language can be used in everyday life. She has read The Five People you meet in Heaven and enjoys mysteries like Sherlock.
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Most of her students neglected listening and speaking English when preparing for the Gaokao according to this Chemistry major from the Mainland China. English speaking opportunities have been limited in where she has stayed.
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Speaking with foreigners at her workplace gave this Fashion Retailing graduate the confidence to use English and improve her language skills. She read articles and texts provided by her teachers.
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Primary and secondary English classes should be more interactive and less drilling. This Product Design major turned to YouTube and dramas to prepare for the DSE but was still unhappy with the result.
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A Form One English teacher advised this Engineering major to use a grammar website that starts with the basics and goes step by step to more advanced skills. He found Harry Potter too difficult to read when he was in primary school.
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Tutors who treated students like friends made English more interesting by using games and movies. Eat, Pray, Love was the first English novel this Education major read. She watched the movie instead after chapter one because it was too difficult. She uses a Kindle to read academic papers.
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Travelling to the US for a Form 3 summer camp made this Medical student feel she lacked speaking skills. She read Harry Potter and watched the film. She uses an online dictionary and translation apps.
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Getting a good grade for writing and producing a video for an English language course in university is a highlight for this Computer Engineering major. He uses Google and Wikipedia to search for definitions. He watches YouTube videos with English subtitles and reads reference books.
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Watching a TV series during undergraduate years developed this student’s understanding of other cultures. She did a lot of reading exercises in high school. Using an e-dictionary saves time.
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The first assembly after transition to an EMI secondary school confused this Nursing major because everything was in English. She improved by reading the Bible, reciting prayers and singing hymns. She showcased her language skills in a drama in Secondary 5. She read Bridge to Terabithia.
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A teacher who randomly asked students questions made this Education major’s class pay attention. He mainly reads websites, such as TIME, South China Morning Post and Wikipedia.
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An exchange in Vienna let this Psychology graduate share his learning experience with ESL learners from other countries. The Minds of Billy Milligan inspired him to think about human mind and personality.
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In an exchange to the US, this English major used her phone to check difficult words while talking to her American friend. Novels are easier to read than news articles. She likes the religious theme in Life of Pi.
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Taking a tutorial class didn’t produce the A-level result wanted by this Engineering graduate. These days she tries to sharpen her vocabulary by reading an online article a day. She looks up unfamiliar words in the dictionary.
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A NET from secondary school used games to teach vocabulary to this Animation major. In primary school, her mother requested that she read magazines. It took her a month to finish one with the help of a dictionary.
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Having foreign friends who are also English teachers helped this Architecture major improve his language skills. He uses Google Translate with some of his university readings.