TV dramas, especially mysteries from the BBC and NBC, interest this student. He has read Harry Potter but thinks of it as entertainment rather than a learning opportunity.
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Learning English from TV dramas is more interesting than reading for this student because the language can be used in everyday life. She has read The Five People you meet in Heaven and enjoys mysteries like Sherlock.
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An environmental science PhD student was mesmerized by her high school English teacher’s retelling of a love story. She was influenced by her mother to pick up reading. She enjoys Sherlock Holmes. English is the medium of instruction in native Philippines.
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English created a familiar bond between this Psychology major and her family’s domestic helper. She has read The Mortal Instruments and All the Light We Cannot See. She also learns English from YouTubers.
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Grammar used to be an obstacle for this student but she and her classmates took extra lessons to improve. Her reading skills progressed as she progressed through a detective novel and became more familiar with the vocabulary.
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A drama performance taught this Education major spoken and written English. A secondary school teacher required his class to read aloud a murder story with emotion.
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Watching movies and TV series enhanced this Business major’s vocabulary and speech. Although he read Harry Potter, he enjoyed the movies more because he didn’t need to check the dictionary.
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Playing games and watching movies in a course inspired this Biochemistry major to learn English. She shared a book series with her friends in primary school. She enjoys reading detective stories.
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Learning the alphabet in primary school marked the start of this Engineering major’s English learning. He read Sherlock Holmes with a dictionary.
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This Accounting major didn’t enjoy the exam-focused learning in school. He learnt more English when it was the MOI. He read The Red and the Black as well as detectives stories like Sherlock Holmes.
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Participating in a charitable event with foreigners gave this Science major a chance to communicate in English. Reading was better in primary school as the teachers would lead the class to do interactive activities such as drama. She likes both the Harry Potter books and movies.
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Tertiary educators are better than primary and secondary school teachers according to this Translation major. He loves books showing different cultures. He is translating J by Howard Jacobson.
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Dictation in tutorial classes helped expand this Information Engineering major’s vocabulary. He likes detective stories and his favourite is Sherlock Holmes.
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A pre-reading activity for a crime story fostered this Physics major’s creativity. Participating in the Battle of the Books made him memorise the selected titles. Reading allows him to imagine.
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Listening to pop songs in class helped this Social Work major to learn the accent. She found a fast-paced read and writing group activity centring on a detective story to be exciting.
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Writing and performing a drama is a fun experience for this Quantitative Finance major. She likes detective stories and read a story written by Agatha Christie.
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A NET left a lasting impression on this Advertising major as she used fun and creative ways to teach vocabulary and grammar. He read a story about a child’s crime. He only reads research papers and articles now.
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Movies were shown in a university writing course attended by this Nursing major. Short stories became her favourite reading genre after studying them during a DSE elective.
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Fulfilling the requirement of studying a university English class left this Politics major disillusioned. She values the secondary school reading programme as it allowed her to read detective stories.
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When using English in Hong Kong you can revert to your mother tongue, but this Social Science major discovered that’s not possible in other countries. She likes crime novels and reads articles related to her major.
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A part-time job in a cafeteria gave this Accounting major an opportunity to practise English. Harry Potter is the first English books she read. She also reads detective and love stories.