A light-hearted teaching approach at university offers this Engineering major an alternative to learning English. Though she picked up the language from drills in secondary school, the training prepared her well for the DSE.
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One-on-one speaking drills with a school teacher helped this Nursing major to prepare for the DSE. Divergent is the first English book she read. She teaches herself to play the Ukulele with online sources and most of them happen to be in English.
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The plot and the characters in the Twilight series was entertaining to this Physiotherapy major in Secondary 3. The books assigned by school were really thin. Reading has helped her vocabulary.
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Even though past paper drilling is dull, it’s the only way to prepare for the DSE according to this Mechanical Engineering major. What he has learnt from school helps him grasp the gist when watching TV and movies.
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Doing past papers for the DSE in her own time improved the English listening skills of this Surveying major. She read newspapers provided by her teacher and was asked to write journals weekly which enriched her vocabulary bank.
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An English camp led by British students from Oxford and Cambridge inspired this Nursing major. She started tutorials for the first time in order to prepare for the DSE. She read with an exchange student in Form Four. Reading in English takes longer because she needs to check the vocabulary.
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Watching English news, reading novels, and talking with native speakers was a good way for this Nursing major to prepare for the DSE. Education reform was part of their debate from time to time. He likes reading science fiction novels.
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After doing poorly in the DSE, this Textiles major took IELTS to meet university entrance requirements. She gained some practical knowledge and skills while preparing for the IELTS assessment.
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A family trip to New York and Niagara Falls provided an unexpected English cultural exchange for this Banking and Financial Services major as she had to communicate with other tourists. She has read Twilight and prefers to watch movies before starting a book to get more background.
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University language classes exposed this student to more vocabulary than when she was preparing for the DSE. She also enjoys learning English through watching videos. The Reader made her think. She is also interested in psychology.
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DSE revision helped this student’s spoken English. He read for the SBA part of the DSE but forgets the name of the book. He also likes science fiction.
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Learning grammar and important vocabulary in tutorial classes were useful for this student’s DSE experience. He feels comfortable with his reading ability when using English textbooks at university.
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To prepare for DSE, this Engineering major forced himself to learn English on his own for the first time. He read an article about learning vocabulary in the university language centre.
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A movie event let this Engineering major make friends and learn new vocabulary. To prepare for the DSE, she borrowed storybooks with many poems inside from the library.
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Preparing for DSE, this Religious Studies major attended tutorial class where she learnt grammar and writing skills. Her secondary school teacher suggested reading books and newspapers to improve her English.
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Mock speech exams in front of the whole class made this Arts major work hard to avoid embarrassment. Tuesdays with Morrie is an inspiring book.
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A tutorial class provided this Law major with extensive training for the DSE. She read Charles Dickens, Jane Austin and Charlotte Brontë in secondary school but felt she improved her language skills with online articles.
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An after-school English lesson helped this Translation major with the DSE even though it was boring. She learns more by reading passages with professors and classmates.
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This BBA major attended tutorial classes that focused on exam skills to prepare him to re-sit the DSE. He also read newspaper articles which he found difficult.
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The quality of the exercises in a tutorial school helped this Business Administration major better prepare for the DSE. He likes to read about Hong Kong issues in the South China Morning Post.
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An exchange trip to Singapore made this Psychology major realise people can understand her even if she makes mistakes. She was forced to read storybooks to prepare for the DSE.
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Preparation for the DSE made this Accounting major improve her English skills. She reads magazines and newspapers, such as the South China Morning Post in her leisure time.
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Passing the DSE required this Biology major to read a lot of texts. She has learnt a lot of technical terms by reading articles related to her major.
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Secondary school tutorial classes taught this Business major grammar, writing and reading for the DSE. He read The Hunger Games because he found the title attractive.
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Sharing an experience in front of the class was like taking the DSE exam for this Translation major. She finds reading difficult and prefers watching movies.
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Performing in a drama about her secondary school’s 45th anniversary taught this Translation major vocabulary and grammar. She read a lot of newspapers to prepare for the DSE.
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A NET taught this Social Science major grammar outside class. He read newspapers to prepare for the DSE. Although he didn’t like this, it expanded his vocabulary.
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Tutorial classes for the DSE let this Marketing major learn vocabulary, grammar and writing skills quickly. The language used in philosophical articles is difficult.
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Foreign students spoke too fast for this Cultural Studies major. He read commentaries in the South China Morning Post to build his vocabulary as he was preparing to resit the DSE.
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Using Chinese to teach English was weird for this Arts major. The DSE reading papers were hard but taught him things about biology and culture.
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Exercises given by a supportive teacher enhanced this Business major’s English. He used different skills to analyse the reading passages in the DSE.
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Vocabulary provided by a teacher helped this Chinese major in his writing exams. Reading the whole series of The Chronicles of Narnia is an achievement. He had to take guesses at the meanings of difficult words and found the movies helped understand the books.
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Participating in public speaking enhanced this Nursing major’s English ability. He subscribed to TIME and National Geographic but the vocabulary is difficult. He reads about technology.
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University English lessons taught this Accounting major how to use the language and see it in an interesting way. He started to read books every week after his parents brought him to the library. He likes Percy Jackson.
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A study tour to Canada enabled this Business major to communicate with native speakers and learn about the culture. Reading BBC news and the SCMP every day enhanced her reading skills.
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Tutorial lessons taught this Accounting major vocabulary and writing skills for DSE. He reads articles for his university projects.
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The Great Gatsby was taught word by word in this Energy Engineering major’s tutorial class. He read Tuesdays with Morrie and Inferno. Thinking, Fast and Slow taught him how his brain works.
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Watching movies is a relaxing way for this Mechanical Engineering major to learn vocabulary and phrases. He read George Orwell’s 1984 and Animal Farm.
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Group discussion allowed this Mathematics major to interact with her classmates. She read TIME magazine to prepare for the public exam. The cultural section provided her with lively expressions that could make her writing more attractive.