Body language was used to overcome communication difficulties when this Social Science major studied in Australia. The Harry Potter movies motivated her to read the original books. She likes the books more because she can use her imagination.
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Understanding exchange students in the university hostel took some time for this Art major. She read The Book Thief after choosing randomly while shopping.
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Preparing for TOEFL involved understanding a lot of subjects and handling all kinds of questions that will appear in the exam according to this Business major. As a debater in school, she read the BBC news to familiarise herself with world affairs.
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DSE was the common goal for this Visual Studies major and his friends. They proofread each other’s writings. He discussed aspects of Tuesdays with Morrie with his friends.
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An internship in the US Disney World was an opportunity for this Psychology major to practise English. The psychology textbooks and readings have a lot of difficult terms.
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Entertaining games in secondary school enabled this Visual Studies to learn English. She read and discussed books with classmates in a session after lunch. She likes books about science.
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Having an English girlfriend improved this Medical student’s speaking skills. Secondary school English classes in the UK focused on creative writing and composition instead of grammar. He used to hate reading. He now reads textbooks for his studies.
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Performing Cinderella taught this Psychology major different ways of expressing herself in English. She learnt intonation and pronunciation through verse speaking competitions. She reads textbooks in university.
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Attending a court trial and barely understanding the legal jargon was memorable for this Law major. She read The Zahir over and over again to comprehend it. She now mostly reads textbooks.
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To prepare for IELTS, this History major watched movies and TV series and also did test papers. He reads about Japanese history in English.
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Car racing commentators taught this Engineering major listening, intonation and grammar. Reading The Citadel was enjoyable. He also read a book about the Titanic.
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Professional English classes allowed this MBA graduate to chat with foreigners. The Lord of the Rings let him experience a different world. He now reads about business, marketing, personal development, architecture and interior design.
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The desire to get a good grade in the public exam motivated this Computer Engineering major to study harder. Fantastic Mr Fox was a compulsory book in secondary school. He didn’t finish Harry Potter because it was too thick.
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Watching movies in secondary school let this Cultural Studies major practise listening skills. The movie of The Perks of Being a Wallflower made him read the book. The teenage life and memories depicted in the story touched him.
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Homework based on reading and commenting on newspaper articles trained this Nursing major’s self-learning skills. Understanding journals on medical issues requires researching additional information.
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Playing Scrabble with a host family in the UK taught this Science major everyday vocabulary. English lessons in the UK involved more activities. An interest in animal husbandry motivated him to read about it.
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To prepare for the IELTS speaking test, this History major practised by herself in her room. Reading a 600-page textbook was a crazy experience.
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Watching Friends together made this Human Resources major and other students think and talk in English. In an exchange to Canada, she needed to read the local newspapers for an assignment.
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A study tour to Los Angeles let this Urban Studies major learn English through culture, drama and sport. Influenced by her friends, she read Twilight and liked its lively descriptions.
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Watching The Devil Wears Prada in high school made this Social Science major love English. She read Harry Potter after watching the movies; and the books are more interesting.
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Playing video games with a dictionary enhanced this Social Work major’s vocabulary. He reads lyrics while listening to English songs.
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University English lessons taught this Accounting major how to use the language and see it in an interesting way. He started to read books every week after his parents brought him to the library. He likes Percy Jackson.
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Playing video games with a dictionary let this Nursing major improve vocabulary and speech. After watching the Sherlock Holmes TV drama, she started to read the book. Although she had to check almost every word in the dictionary, she finished it.
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Catching up to her secondary school classmates in English learning meant this Corporate Communications major had to memorise new vocabulary. She developed a ‘feeling’ for the language which is extremely important. She frequently uses the dictionary while doing university readings.
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Although the learning centre classes were stressful because they were videotaped for her parents to review, this Architectural student enjoyed the in-class chats with the friendly teacher. Her primary school teacher told stories in the library. She likes Shopaholic.
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Taking TOEFL required this Business major to memorise a lot of vocabulary. The speaking paper was the most difficult. He reads a lot of textbooks.
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Preparing for SAT and TOEFL expanded this Science major’s vocabulary. She read poems and stories in school. Nicholas Sparks’ stories touched her heart.
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Taking IELTS motivated this Nursing major to revise English. She read literature, such as short stories and poems, for IGCSE.
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The different accents of secondary school teachers was difficult for this Law major to understand. She practised speaking with her brother. One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest motivated her to study law.
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Living with room-mates from Scotland and America built up this Nursing major’s confidence in speaking English. Reading Harry Potter greatly improved her English skills. The Alchemist is her favourite book.
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A phonics class trained this Chinese Medicine major to remember vocabulary in an organised way. The Twilight movies motivated her to read the original books which were more interesting.
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A university English course didn’t cater to different students’ learning needs and language proficiency according to this Psychology major. The Lord of the Rings movies led him to read the original books but he couldn’t finish all of them.
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Dedicated secondary school teachers provided useful supplementary notes for this Social Work major. He read to prepare for the public exam.
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A book on writing skills prepared this Computer Engineering major for TOEFL. She can’t understand what the words mean in academic papers.
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Tutorial classes taught by a NET forced this Quantitative Finance major to speak English. He read Harry Potter because he was motivated to get better academic results. He learnt vocabulary and everyday English.
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This History major overcome the challenges of learning at an EMI secondary school by investing more time in her studies and receiving great support from teachers. She didn’t enjoy doing book reports in secondary school because she couldn’t choose her own books.
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Group discussion allowed this Mathematics major to interact with her classmates. She read TIME magazine to prepare for the public exam. The cultural section provided her with lively expressions that could make her writing more attractive.
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A teacher suggested this Computer Science major watch Japanese cartoons with English subtitles. He had to read famous texts like Shakespeare in secondary school but the vocabulary inside was difficult.
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This Business major did a lot of test papers to prepare for the Gaokao. At first, she was worried about the many readings in a general education course but then she realised that she could understand them.