Playing different roles through drama exposed this Engineering major to different kinds of English. Reading the South China Morning Post gave him access to many interesting facts.
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A new teacher was considered a danger to this Accounting major’s DSE aspirations because he was too relaxed. Daily reading session of the South China Morning Post improved her language skills and motivated her to read more.
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Conducting a survey with foreign tourists gave this Business major an opportunity to practise his spoken English. He read a magazine about Mathematics.
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Taking guesses at words acted out by a teacher was one of the games that this Accounting major played in Secondary Six English classes. He also had to present news reports from newspapers in class.
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During senior secondary, this Business Administration major did a lot of in-class practice with CE and A-level papers. He reads newspapers and magazines including the Financial Times and The Guardian.
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A trip to the US let this Hotel Management major to speak English with others. She started reading the South China Morning Post in Form Four as she wanted to improve her language skills.
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Chatting with NETs in secondary school provided this Accounting major with the opportunity to practise his spoken English. He likes reading cultural columns in TIME and the South China Morning Post.
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A NET from secondary school used games to teach vocabulary to this Animation major. In primary school, her mother requested that she read magazines. It took her a month to finish one with the help of a dictionary.
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English Week in this Nursing major’s secondary school led her to learn through games. He read the Young Post for assignments.
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Watching TV shows including Elementary contributed to this History major’s learning experience. He expands his vocabulary by reading TIME magazine.
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Reading the newspaper and looking up words in a dictionary during class was a boring and ineffective task for this Optometry major whereas the Young Post is a fun and effective way to learn English.
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To improve her English, this Electronic Engineering major joined a club in the Mainland where she could learn from foreign teachers. She read a magazine on a flight to London in order to kill time.
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Watching movies and TV shows including Sherlock and The Big Bang Theory helped this Accounting learn new vocabulary. He had to read the South China Morning Post every morning during secondary school.
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Playing games in class helped build vocabulary for this Chinese major. He read the Young Post for a news clipping assignment.
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A job stimulation in class taught this Computer Engineering major to tackle problem in English. He reads short novels and BBC news.
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A university course enabled this student chances to present in English and communicate with her foreign lecturers. This English studies major had to read the newspaper every day when she was in secondary school.
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Watching movies with bilingual subtitles is a method of learning English for this Information Engineering major. He read the South China Morning Post once a week during secondary school.
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Watching a movie about sea animals in Form 6 was a rare experience for this Accounting major. She read the South China Morning Post for her a news clipping assignment.
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Learning grammar in secondary school helped enhance this Accounting major’s writing skills. He learnt new words by reading the South China Morning Post.
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A class story-writing competition led this Business major to combine his writing skills and creativity. He reads TIME and Bloomberg to keep up-to-date with business news.
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A teacher in high school asked this Business Administration major to perform in a drama. He read TIME and The Wall Street Journal.
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Reading The Merchant of Venice was very difficult for this Engineering major as he had to check the dictionary for every line. His teacher always told him to read the South China Morning Post but he thinks the articles on the BBC are much easier to understand.
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Joining the drama club in university allowed this Hotel Management major to practise her spoken English. She reads magazines such as National Geographic in her leisure time.
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Classes are challenging but practical for this Finance major as he learnt some skills on improving his English. He likes reading articles on the Business Insider.
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In order to improve his language skills for the DSE, this Textile major read the South China Morning Post. She thinks reading pop-up books is an interesting way to learn.
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Watching movies and news on TV contributed to this Public Administration major’s learning experience. As a fan of One Direction, she follows their news through the Internet and magazines.
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A debate competition was a highlight of this Chinese major’s learning experience when he was in secondary school. He read TIME magazine for a school assignment.
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Watching TV shows like America’s Next Top Model and The Apprentice contributed to this Finance major’s learning experience. She had to read the South China Morning Post during secondary school.
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Reading news articles allowed this Radiography major to learn more about social issues. He thinks the lecture notes from his studies are very hard to understand.
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Meeting an Indian painter during a trip to Taiwan provided this Fashion and Textile major an opportunity to interact in English although the accent was hard to understand. She read the South China Morning Post when she was in secondary school.
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Travelling to Thailand exposed this Fashion and Textile major to a different variety of English. She reads magazines and course material related to her major,
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Watching football with English commentary made English learning more interesting according to this Global Logistics major. He used to read newspapers during secondary school but now he mostly reads lecture notes.
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Middle school provided this Finance major an opportunity to interact with foreign teachers. She was required to read newspapers during high school.
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Watching movies like The Avengers was a way for this Public Administration major to learn to speak like a native. It also encouraged him to polish his English. He thinks articles in The Standard are better as they are shorter and easier to understand.
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Working in a fashion retail store required this Public Administration major to use English to communicate with her French boss. She had to read the South China Morning Post when she was in secondary school.
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A UK study tour involved drama, group discussions and sightseeing for this Environmental Studies major. He reads articles from news websites such as BBC.
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Participating in a secondary school drama allowed this Biomedical Engineering major to be an actress for the first time. She likes to read news from the BBC as the articles are easy to understand.
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A junior secondary school teacher should have provided more guidance according to this Business Administration major. He tried to learn English through the music of Taylor Swift and Usher. He subscribed to the Standard when he was in secondary school.
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Preparing for IELTS led this Software Engineering major to work hard and read online news such as the BBC. She prefers learning English through movies. She read Alice in Wonderland and The Little Prince.